Category Archives: Housekeeping

A Much-Needed Update

As has often been the case, it’s been a while since my most recent update. With the obvious apologies offered, I have a few blog-related announcements.

The first of these is that I’m slightly expanding the focus of this blog. You may have noticed the changed “mission statement” over on the right. While this blog has primarily focused on TV shows and the ideas behind them, I hope to expand it to explorations of science fiction and geekiness in every form. There will be more convention reports, write-ups of interesting panels with thoughts relating to sci-fi, science and technology, and geek culture, and posts about geeky travel. I’ll be focusing more on the way that media and sci-fi not only reflect our world, but predict and shape it. In short, I’ll be looking far beyond the TV screen. Science fiction, media, and fandom (or geekdom) – and their intersections, in all of their possible incarnations – will be the focus.

With that said, I have a few exciting announcements about some real-world projects I’ll be engaging in – and of course, reporting on here.

is that I’ll be a panelist at the upcoming Star Trek: Mission NYC Convention from September 2-4. I’ll be on two panels: Literature and Star Trek with the lovely Amy Imerhoff on Friday at 3pm, and a panel on the Impact of Star Trek on Sunday at 4pm with Devra Langsam and Stuart Hellinger (Organizers of the first-ever Star Trek convention), Keith R.A. DeCandido, and Robert Kaul. The convention is also packed with other panels, guest appearances, set replicas, and many other fun opportunities, so of course I’ll be writing a convention report (or several), touching in particular on the interesting and intellectually stimulating ideas I come in contact with.

And, since it’s Star Trek’s 50th anniversary, one convention is obviously not enough, so I’ll also be attending Creation Entertainment’s Star Trek convention in Cherry Hill this weekend. This one promises to be less “intellectual,” with fewer panels and more guest Q&A’s, but I still plan to faithfully report on the happenings.

And, of course, as always, there’s a number of other conventions and Sherlockian events on my plate – how could there not be?

I’ve also been given the amazing opportunity to be the head of Media Programming at Philcon – the Philadelphia Science Fiction Conference, at which I’ve been a panelist for the past two years. This is the oldest literary sci-fi conference in the U.S., and it’s an honor to be part of putting it together. I’ll be writing more in the coming months about the process of making a convention happens, as well as reporting on the panels post-conference.

In the meantime, I hope to keep updating with lots of convention reports, TV show commentary, geekdom issues, and thoughts on science fiction and science fact. Stay tuned!

I’m still here!

I know it’s been a while since I last updated. I’ve got a number of posts in my drafts folder, but, me being the perfectionist that I am, I keep waiting until that moment when the writing has reached the status of perfection (possibly an unreachable goal, and a goal I should work on being less obsessive about). In any case, I wanted to make a quick post to say that I’m still updating this blog, and have a number of posts waiting to see the light of day – including thoughts on Torchwood, Star Trek, and Motor City Comic Con. Stay tuned, and in the meantime, feel free to check out my writing over at Blogcritics or at Den of Geek, where I”ve been posting a number of reviews. One of my reviews has also recently been published on io9 (a fact about which I”m ecstatic!), and since this makes quite a lengthy list of places I’ve been published, you can see them all in a more organized form at my other blog.